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Très grand de Tahiri

Artiste : Tahiri Fathiya

Catégorie : Tableaux

Technique : Mixte

Support : Toile

Dimensions : 150 x 250 cm

Référence : 4480

Prix : 190 000 MAD

Prix en € : 17431.19 €

/ Nombre de vues : 1238 vues

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    À propos de l'Artiste

    Born in 1959 in Rabat (Morocco)


    The first works date back to his early childhood; he made sculptures with every material at his disposal: candles, clay, earth, fabric … His first drawings date back to the age of 15, when he began his vocation for architecture. At the age of 18 he moved to France, where he studied at the School of Architecture in Paris (École Spéciale d’Architecture). These few years passed in the city of lights allows her to mature under an artistic profile. In 1986, he opened his architectural practice in Rabat and carried out several projects in several Moroccan cities, at the same time creating works of furnishing art, which he exhibited at the Mohamed V Theater in Rabat and Casablanca. In 2002, Fathiya Tahiri was invited to exhibit her SCULPTURE FOR THE BODY at the Correr Museum in Venice, in the “Napoleonic Wing”. The display of great splendor is placed under the patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI. Afterwards, he collected several exhibitions of sculptures, first at the Open Art & Cinema “Film Festival” of Venice in 2003 and in 2004 at the Venice Film Festival. In 2005, Fathiya Tahiri represented Morocco at the Venice Biennale. It chooses as a place to display the symbolic Church of Santa Maria della Pietà. At the request of the organizers, he returns with his new works to represent Morocco in 2009 at the Venice Biennale. In April 2011, she was invited to the prestigious Shanghai Art Museum. In China, his creations have been warmly appreciated by art critics and gallery owners. Fathiya Tahiri’s work is powerful. It constantly pushes the limits of original universes, in a combination of expressions of a new transcendent, unique and captivating world.







    Eclair de vie, La Galerie 38, Casablanca, Morocco



    Fathiya Tahiri, Introspection, National Art Museum of China, Bejing, China



    Decade, Rétrospective, La Galerie 38, Casablanca, Morocco



    Inner Characters, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China



    Un acte de Foi, Monte Carlo Art Gallery, Milan, Italiy



    Fathiya Tahiri : sculptures, bijoux et peintures, Artcurial, Paris, France



    Fathiya Tahiri, Sculpture pet il corpo, Musée Correr, Salon Napoléonien, Venice, Italy



    Fathiya Tahiri, collections de bijoux d’art « Tya », Expositions privées, Milan, Paris, Los Angeles, Casablanca.



    Fathiya Tahiri, collection de meubles d’art, Théâtre Mohamed V, Rabat, Morocco







    Stills of peace and Everyday life, Atri, Italy



    Le Maroc Contemporain, Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, France



    Fathiya Tahiri, Marrakech Art Fair, Marrakech, Morocco



    Faire le monde, exposition internationale d’art, 53e Venice Biennia, Venice, Italy



    L’homme pourtour de la Méditerranée, Musée du Vittoriano, Rome, Italy

    Fenêtre sur 50 ans d’histoire des arts plastiques au Maroc, Société Générale Marocaine de Banques, Casablanca, Morocco



    Espace C.D.G., Rabat, Morocco

    The Experience of Art; Always a little further, 51e Venice Biennial, Venice, Italy



    Fathiya Tahiri, exposition d’une sculpture monumentale, Open Asia, (mostra) Lido, Venice, Italy



    Fathiya Tahiri, exposition de sculptures en argent massif, Open 2003, Arte et cinéma (Mostra), Lido, Venice, Italy







    Ses œuvres

    Dimensions : 140 x 70 cm

    Prix : 80 000 MAD

    Référence: 4482

    Dimensions : 150 x 250 cm

    Prix : 190 000 MAD

    Référence: 4480

    Dimensions : 190 x 140 cm

    Prix : 125 000 MAD

    Référence: 4469

    Dimensions : 190 x 140 cm

    Prix : 125 000 MAD

    Référence: 4468

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      / 1238 vues





      Dimensions Dim

      150 x 250 cm


      190 000 MAD



      Prix en €

      17431.19 €