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Bienvenida / Obras De Arte / Pianeti de Benetti

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Pianeti de Benetti

Artista : Benetti Andrea

kategorio : Tableaux

Técnico : Mixte

Apoyo : Toile

Dimensiones : 80 x 80 cm

Referencia : 5173

Premio : 35 000 MAD

Année d'exécution : 2018

Precio en € : 3211.01 €

/ Número de visitas : 516 vues

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    Pri la artisto

    Source : Wikipédia

    Andrea Benetti, né le 15 janvier 1964 à Bologne, est un peintre, photographe et designer italien.

    En 2006, il rédige le Manifeste de l’art néo-rupestre, qu’il présente à la 53e Biennale d’art de Venise en 2009.

    Son art fait référence directement et indirectement aux premières formes d’art réalisées par l’homme préhistorique. Aux œuvres rupestres, Benetti a emprunté leurs traits stylistiques à un point de vue créatif, créant des œuvres riches en motifs zoomorphes et anthropomorphes stylisés, des formes géométriques et des formes abstraites, avec des champs de couleur, comme pour créer un pont éthique et philosophique entre la préhistoire et la contemporanéité, soulignée par l’utilisation de pigments végétaux et de techniques comme les bas-reliefs et les graffitis.

    Son travail est présent dans les principales collections d’art nationales et étrangères (telles que celles des Nations unies, du Vatican et du Quirinale).


    Born in 1964, Andrea Benetti created and drew up the «Manifesto of Neo-Cave Art»

    presented at the 53rd Venice Biennale, in the pavilion called «Nature and Dreams»,

    located at the Ca ‘Foscari University. Conceptually, the Manifesto is inspired by the

    genesis of art. In his works, Andrea Benetti cites, transfigures, plays, reinvents con￾cepts and forms of Cave painting, creating an ideal bridge between the genesis

    of art and its contemporaneity. He has collaborated and still collaborates to the re￾alization of projects with various Italian and foreign universities, including the Johns

    Hopkins University, the University of Bologna, Ferrara, Roma Tre, Lecce, Bergamo,

    Bari. These universities have carried out research on his art. Benetti’s works are

    present in collections all over the world. In addition to the museums of contempo￾rary art in Italy and abroad and prestigious private collections, including the United

    Nations, his works are present in the Quirinale (seat of the President of the Italian

    Republic), in the Italian Parliament, in the Vatican, in various Embassies. For this rea￾son, he was received at the Quirinale (seat of the President of the Italian Republic),

    in the Chamber of Deputies (the Italian Parliament) and in the Vatican, where he

    met Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis. There are dozens of university professors

    and important art critics who have written about Benetti’s art and have participat￾ed in the projects that the Italian painter has created. For several years the ency￾clopedic entry «Andrea Benetti» has been present in Treccani (the most important

    Italian encyclopedia) and is translated into thirty languages on Wikipedia. In 2020,

    Benetti was awarded the 49th “Nettuno d’Oro” award, the longest-running and

    most prestigious annual artistic award in the city of Bologna


    United Nations Art Collection ∙ New York, U.S.A.

    Vatican Art Collection ∙ Vatican, Italy

    Virginia Commonwealth University ∙ Richmond, U.S.A.

    MACIA ∙ Italian Contemporary Art Museum in America ∙ San Jose, Costa Rica

    Argentine Ministry of Justice and Human Rights ∙ Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Rinaldi-Paladino Art Museum Foundation ∙ Lugano, Switzerland

    Copelouzos Family Art Museum Collection ∙ Athens, Greece

    Italian Embassy in China ∙ Beijing, China

    Italian Embassy in New Zealand ∙ Wellington, New Zealand

    Quirinale Art Collection ∙ Italian Presidency of the Republic ∙ Roma, Italy

    Montecitorio Palace ∙ Italian Parliament ∙ Chamber Of Deputies ∙ Roma, Italy

    Mambo ∙ Museum of Modern Art Bologna ∙ Bologna, Italy

    Museion ∙ Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Bolzano ∙ Bolzano, Italy

    CAMeC ∙ Center of Modern and Contemporary Art ∙ La Spezia, Italy

    Osvaldo Licini Contemporary Art Museum ∙ Ascoli Piceno, Italy

    University of Ferrara Art Collection ∙ Ferrara, Italy

    University of Bari Art Collection ∙ Bari, Italy

    MuMi ∙ Michetti Museum ∙ Francavilla al Mare, Italy

    U.N.E.S.C.O. Art Collection ∙ Bologna, Italy

    Municipality of Lecce Art Collection ∙ Lecce, Italy

    Amedeo Modigliani Museum ∙ Follonica, Italy

    ARTinGENIO Museum ∙ Pisa, Italia

    Silvestro Lega Museum ∙ Modigliana, Italy

    Speleological Museum «Franco Anelli» ∙ Grotte di Castellana, Italy

    Contemporary Art Museum ∙ Logudoro Meilogu Foundation ∙ Banari, Italy

    Facchini Collection ∙ La Fenice et des Artistes ∙ Venice, Italy

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      / 516 vues





      Dimensiones Dim

      80 x 80 cm


      35 000 MAD



      Precio en €

      3211.01 €