J’ai trouvé dans cet art un moyen d’expression. La conception et la création calligraphiques représentent à mes yeux une symphonie musicale en couleur, le calligraphe, le chef d’orchestre et ses instruments sont le kalam de bambou (plume) dont le choix se fait selon la main utilisée, l’encre et la feuille. La calligraphie arabe n’est pas la seule technique que j’utilise dans mes œuvres. J’ai ainsi participé à plusieurs expositions à travers le monde.
Parmi les hautes distinctions que j’ai eu l’honneur de recevoir :
– Grand prix d’honneur de S.M. le Roi Mohamed VI de la Calligraphie Arabe.
– Grand prix d’honneur de la calligraphie mondiale aux jeux olympiques de Pékin-Chine.
Depuis plusieurs décennies tous les travaux calligraphiques et génériques des émissions de la T.V.M., ainsi que l’animation en 2D et 3D pour les spots de publicité sont mes œuvres. J’ai participé à la conception et à la réalisation de plusieurs émissions de Dessins Animés pour la télévision marocaine dans le cadre des émissions enfantines.
Autres travaux :
– Calligraphie sur des billets de la Banque du Maroc.
– Calligraphie du livre Saint (le Coran) sur cuivre pour l’Armée de l’Air Marocaine.
– Calligraphie du livre Saint (le Coran) pour la télévision marocaine. Actuellement, je prépare une calligraphie du Livre Saint (le Coran) en format géant.
QARMAD MOHAMED: Is a Moroccan calligrapher and painter, he was born in 1950. He is a professor at the Faculty of Calligraphy and Graphic arts. He was graduated from the Specialized Institute of Graphic Arts and Cinema Tricks. He got his BA in Arabic calligraphy from Iraq. He was awarded the Honorary Prize of Chinese Calligraphy, as well as the International Honorary Calligraphy Award in Beijing. He joined the Moroccan Radio and Television in 1969 and contributed to the establishment of the Graphic department. He held various exhibitions of the Arabic calligraphy inside and outside Morocco. He also was handed the Mohammed VI Award of homage to Moroccan calligraphy and the golden prize from Narbonne-France; he was the first Moroccan and Arab to win it. He was the first to write a televised Quran for the Moroccan television. He also wrote the largest Quran on the copper for the Royal Armed Forces. He had exhibited his artworks of Moroccan and Arabic calligraphy in most international museums. He was graduated as well from the Higher Academy of Fine Arts, Brussels-Belgium. He took technical and professional courses in animation and film technology within French television. He also had produced several episodes of animations and generic of television and film series.
Among the high distinctions that I had the honor to receive:
– Grand Prize of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI for Arabic calligraphy.
– Grand prize of honor of world calligraphy at the Olympic Games Beijing-China.
For several decades, all the calligraphic and generic works of the broadcasts of the Moroccan television. Animation in 2D and 3D for advertising spots take also part of my works. I participated in the design and production of several children’s shows.
– Calligraphy on the banknotes of the Bank of Morocco.
– Calligraphy of the holy book (the Quran) on copper for the Royal Moroccan Air Force.
– Calligraphy of the holy book (the Quran) for Moroccan television. Currently I am preparing a calligraphy
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