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Benzaquen Deborah

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Deborah BENZAQUEN (1973-) est une artiste et photographe née à Casablanca. Elle a vécu à Paris durant ses jeunes années puis, emménagée à New York, avant de retourner à Casablanca, où elle vit et travaille désormais. Deborah BENZAQUEN aime la lumière. Elle joue avec pour construire des mises en scènes photographiques, où différentes époques et différents mondes se rencontrent. Sa passion pour le cinéma l’a inspirée dans son usage des accessoires. Elle a ainsi développé un sens aigu des possibilités qu’ils ouvrent.

I was born, I live and I work in Casablanca, Morocco, a country where the light is magical. In my early years I had to go to Paris with my mom, I felt like the sky  was falling on my head.I needed the light and the magic.I did not know how lucky I was. Paris was culturally deeply rewarding. It was a deep human experience. I fear the passing of time, I am a nostalgic.Only when I photograph I feel  complete. My passion for cinema literally saved my life… It is an endless source of inspiration. I love images, beauty in all forms. The beautiful and the ugly. With photography I get carried away. New york  where I lived in the prime of my adult life, was my first playground. And the light there is pretty stunning too… Photography is our past, It is my present, my dream, my future. Today being in Casablanca again is a very different life experience, it is hard but fascinating, there is so much to say and share. It is very intense.


1973 Born in Casablanca, Morocco
2002 “Casablanca stories” solo exhibition, Bombora gallery, New York
2008 Collective exhibition, “Contemporary moroccan roots”, Amine Bendriouich
2009  Collective exhibition, with Lamia Naji and Florence Chevalier, Villa des Arts, Casablanca
2011 Marrakech Art Fair Exhibition, galerie 127, Marrakech
2011 Fotofever, galerie 127, Paris
2012 “ La Désenchantée” solo exhibition, Wada Garou gallery, Tokyo
2012 Fotofever, galerie 127, Bruxelles
2013 SNIFF OUT Festival, Wada Garou gallery, Osaka
2013 Four Seasons, Solo exhibition, Marrakech
2014 The 5th Marrakech Biennale, Entre-je. Récits féminins du corps, galerie 127, Marrakech
2015  Collective exhibition ‘’Parcours conjugués’’, Espace Claire Garnier, Lycée Lyautey, Casablanca
2015 Billboards Festival, Casablanca
2016 Tolerance Art, Collective exhibition, galerie Bab Rouah, Rabat
2017 Portrait series, 100 Femmes, Collective exhibition, galerie Bab Rouah, Rabat
2017 Jeunesse Éternelle, collective exhibition, galerie Delacroix de l’institut français, Tanger
2017 Collective exhibition, Fashion Imagery, Dasthe Art Space & Agency, Casablanca
2017  Intimes-Errances, collective exhibition, galerie The Art Company, Casablanca
2018 Berberliner, off 1:54 Contemporary African Art Fair, Marrakech
2018 Collective exhibition, En un instante, Marruecos. Transatlántica, 10 años, Casa Àrabe, PHotoESPAÑA


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