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Bienvenida / Obras De Arte / Bordel de Jaimendes (Brésil)

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Bordel de Jaimendes (Brésil)

Artista : Jaimendes

kategorio : Tableaux

Técnico : Huile

Apoyo : Toile

Dimensiones : 90 x 80 cm

Referencia : 1711

Premio : 50 000 MAD

Precio en € : 4587.16 €

/ Número de visitas : 508 vues

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    Pri la artisto

    Jaimendes was born on September 9, 1939 in Criciuma, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. He studies at the São Leopoldo Boarding School. At a very young age, Jaimendes discovered that the loved to draw and he recived all the prizes that were awarded in the categories of drawing and painting. He completed his college studies in Rio de Janeiro in graphic design in which he excelled. He succeeded in the field of graphic design at the various advertising firms where he worked in Rio and São Paulo.

    Atellier Gian Franco-Roneca 1983

    Casa de Portugal 1984

    Hotel Othon Palace (Rio de Janeiro)1984

    Hotel Nacional (Rio de Janeiro)1984

    Galerias de Arte Borghese (Rio de Janeiro) 1985

    Collections in Miami and London 1986 -1988

    Hotel Intercontinental (Miami) 1993 -1998

    Hotel Carlton (Cannes) 1996 – 1998

    Art International (Miami) 1998

    Art International (London) 1999

    Galerie D’Art Bella (Milan) 1999

    Contemporary Art Festival (Spain) 1999

    Contemporary Art Festival (Cannes) 1999

    Contemporary Art Festival (Milan)

    Galeria Nova Imagem (Lisboa)

    Sus obras

    Dimensiones: 80 x 90 cm

    Premio: 50 000 MAD

    Referencia: 1713

    Dimensiones: 90 x 80 cm

    Premio: 50 000 MAD

    Referencia: 1712

    Dimensiones: 90 x 80 cm

    Premio: 50 000 MAD

    Referencia: 1711

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      / 508 vues





      Dimensiones Dim

      90 x 80 cm


      50 000 MAD



      Precio en €

      4587.16 €